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9 small-business products to refresh your Spring wellness routine

We all want to feel better, have more energy and get a good night's rest. Check out these products from small-businesses to add to your routine.

WASHINGTON — It’s that time of year for a SPRING REFRESH! 

A great time to take a closer look at your self-care (or lack there of) and find ways to get better sleep, feel more relaxed or more energized for the day.

I have curated a list of several items from small businesses, many of which were born during the Coronavirus pandemic, that can help you achieve your wellness goals!

 I have tried each of these products, so I hope you enjoy them as much as I do!

Better Quality Sleep

Zoey Sleep Curve Pillow

Credit: Zoey Sleep

This is my new FAVORITE pillow. I'm serious! 

The quantity AND quality of your sleep is important to your health. According to the Sleep Foundation, nearly half of all Americans feel sleepy during the day between three and seven days per week. The culprit? Inadequate sleep.

Whether you’re a side, back, or stomach sleeper, the Zoey Sleep signature Curve Pillow is fully adjustable to provide a firm or comfy feel. Its curved design contours to your shoulder, centering your head on the pillow, keeping your spine aligned so you don’t wake up with back or neck pain.

Zoey Sleep offers many other sleep items as well, like a weighted blanket and mattress topper!

Say Goodbye to Bedhead

Credit: Sleepy Tie

This falls into the. “Now, why didn’t I think of that?” category!

Get ready for the next day before your head even hits the pillow. The Sleepy Tie is a hair tie design that helps maintain salon blow-outs and styled hair.

Honestly, I use this every night. It’s super easy to use, comfortable to sleep with it on, and my hair stays looking great in the morning. No, hair tie marks or crinkled hair.

Invented by entrepreneur and pro photographer Rachael Lynsey, this woman-owned brand is a dream come true for those with shoulder-length hair and beyond that struggle with keeping their locks under control. They now have a new nighttime ritual.

A Fresh Take on Coffee

Credit: MistoBox

Start your Day with a fresh cup of coffee from half way around the world!

The mission at MistoBox is simple: they want to make it easy for you to discover the world’s best coffee.

MistoBox Coffee is a subscription service that helps you personalize your coffee choices. You answer a few question about your coffee preferences, an expert will select a coffee you will love from talented roasters around the world and ship it straight to your door. For me they chose the Smith Bridge Road Blend  from Central America. Delicious! Can’t wait to try more! MistoBox helps make sure you have the perfect cup of coffee to start your day off right!

Nourish Your Body

Credit: Sweet Diane's

I’ll be honest… I was never really a huge fan of granola. It was just so bland to me. However, I tried the Sweet Diane’s Granola Sampler and I loved it. Truly. I add Sweet Diane’s granola to my smoothie shake every morning. (My favorite is the OG – The Original recipe!)

Add it to your baking, your smoothies or eat it straight out of the bag!

Sweet Diane’s granola is made with simple, nutrient-packed ingredients. Clean ingredients that are plant-based, naturally gluten-free and with no additives.

I'm going to be ordering in bulk!

Fuel Your Wellness

Credit: FuntionaliQi

Face it, many of us experience those mid day slumps and need a pick-me up, or we need help to focus on a big project. I love a hot cup of tea in the afternoon that provides me nutrients and antioxidants.

FunctionaliQi makes it easy to add little upgrades in our daily routines that can have a major impact on mood, performance and overall health.

This woman-owned small business was created to empower people to better care for themselves through medicinal herbs and botanicals from a variety of natural health traditions.

The founder used careful research and consultation with herbalists and a tea sommelier to develop a complex blend of botanicals that are complementary in both flavor and function. Each blend is designed for a particular ailment or issue. Their teas share in knowledge, ideas, and health.

RELATED: No, there’s no evidence that aluminum-based antiperspirants or deodorants cause cancer

Take a Moment of Mindfulness

Credit: Buddha Board

Need a break? Feeling creative? Or Just need a quiet moment?

Buddha Board is inspired by the Zen idea of living in the moment.

This painting set uses only water to create beautiful works of art and then it slowly fades away as it dries. No need to worry about the finished product. You can keep creating over and over to establish a state of mindfulness.

Enjoy a Sweet Treat

Credit: Honey & Roses Coffee Co.

You’ve had a busy albeit successful day! Time to treat yourself to some decadent cookies! Honey Roses & Coffee Co. is the digital one-stop-shop for everything you need to enjoy the ultimate foodie experience. It’s like your local Farmer’s Market but delivered right to your door!

 I love this because you can easily discover coffee and baked goods from across the U.S. and help support small businesses. It’s one marketplace with loads of treats and available gluten-free and vegan options. (These Secret Stuffed Cookies are delicious!)

Relax & Renew

Credit: Pennie's Teas

I don’t know about you but I enjoy a warm cup of tea before I go to bed. Just to relax and prepare my mind for a great night’s sleep. 

One brand I have to really enjoy is Pennie’s Teas. They have bright bold flavors and target a myriad of health concerns. Pennie’s provides everything from Detox Tea, teas that alleviate discomfort during that time of the month or menopause, or calm your nerves and settle your stomach.

Take a Sip!

Credit: In Good Taste

If a more “adult” beverage is your choice after a long day. I highly suggest you check out In Good Taste. My husband and I love trying new wines, but he is a red wine only guy and I like to dabble in Rosés and different blends. In Good Taste allows you to taste a world of wine through their curated tasting flights.

In Good Taste is a new kind of winery, bringing illustrious and diverse wines to you in our single — glass bottles! I love this because some night, I just want a GLASS of wine and don’t want to open a brand new bottle! Also, I’m sure I am like many of you… I want to try before I buy! In Good Taste allows you to expand your wine palette without wasting money!

Oh, and they have wine experts that will guide your friends, family, group date, or coworkers through a fun interactive tasting!

Cheers to a happy and healthy Spring!

Before You Leave, Check This Out