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VERIFY: Digital spring cleaning tips

It's time to cleanse your digital products.
Credit: Cameron Spencer/Getty Images
The iPhone 6 Plus and iPhone 6 are compared at a Telstra Store on September 19, 2014 in Sydney, Australia.

From Facebook privacy concerns last week to online identity scams always popping up, you're probably on high alert about who's got your info on the internet.

So, the WUSA9 Verify team is here with some tips from the pros to help you digital spring cleanse your devices.

The experts at the National Cyber Security Alliance say first things first: de-clutter by deleting apps and the operating systems on ones you don't use anymore. This also frees up more storage space for a longer battery life.

Next, make sure to unsubscribe from unwanted emails. When dumping out old files, a recycle bin alone isn't going to do the trick. To fully delete files, you need a program that wipes them from your device by putting random data in place of your info that cannot be retrieved.

Eraser, Disk Wipe, and ShredIt are some provide free trial with data file wiping programs.

Also a strong password isn't enough to keep your online accounts from being hacked. To better secure those accounts, activate strong authentication tools like a unique one-time code through an app on your mobile device, biometrics, or security keys.

Make sure you thoroughly monitor all your privacy and security settings on all social media sites you use to ensure you know what information of yours is being shared and out there. Sites like Google have a privacy checkup that allows you to adjust what data Google uses for you.

WUSA9 researchers also tracked down this helpful site called justdelete.me. It aggregates populate websites and lets you know if it's easy, hard or truly just impossible to erase your account.

The Better Business Bureau also has a “Secure Your ID” Day that features free on-site shredding, electronic recycling, and other tips to help protect your identity. You can find the list of participating locations by clicking here.

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