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How social media influencers are handling coronavirus

Social media influencers have been practicing "social distancing" long before COVID-19.

WASHINGTON — While many of us are adjusting to working from home, for some people it's just another day.

Social media influencers have been practicing "social distancing" long before COVID-19. Every night this week on The Q & A we'll talk to an influencer about how they're interacting with their followers in times like this.

Rachel Brathen, a.k.a. Yoga Girl

Rachel Brathen is known by her more than two million followers as "Yoga Girl." She is a leader in the yoga world and is trying to use her platform to help people around the world during a stressful time.

"If you're having one of those really panicky moments," Rachel told us meditation can help to ground you. "Wherever you are, just closing your eyes, placing a hand to your belly and a hand to your heart and then taking three really, genuinely deep breaths."

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Soon after we spoke to Rachel, her daughter became ill. The government in Aruba, where they live, told Rachel to have her tested. After waiting two long days, the test came back negative.

Her advice for everyone? Connect with friends and family, and don't be afraid to share your emotions.

"For every person I see who is actually sharing something real, letting themselves be vulnerable and saying 'hey, I'm super scared right now.' That makes me take a breath and go 'oh okay. I'm scared, too, I'm not alone, I'm not crazy, we're in this together.'" 

Rachel started "30 days of space" -- a free 30-day event for anyone who wants to practice yoga and mindfulness during the quarantine; you can sign up on her Instagram to participate.

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Dani DiPirro, a.k.a. Positively Present

In stressful times like these, we need positivity and self-love more than ever. That’s where Positively Present comes in.

Dani DiPirro's colorful posts could brighten on most days. One scroll through the Positively Present Instagram page, and it’s easy to see why more than 750 thousand people turn to it for inspiration.

“My whole account from the get-go has been about me expressing what I’m dealing with creatively,” Dani told us. “Whether it’s through writing or through art, sharing that with people so that they can hopefully relate or come back to it at a time when they might be going through it.”

Dani creates a lot of her art digitally, and she even sometimes shows the process on her page. She’s urging people to use their newfound free time to find a creative outlet and use art to unwind.

“A lot of what I’ve learned about drawing is from watching YouTube videos,” Dani says creativity is just a click away. “If you have children I’m sure there are tons of ideas on Pinterest for things you can do with stuff you have lying around the house.”

If you need a little inspiration in your life, Dani’s ABC’s of self-care is available for free on her website

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Sarah Nicole Landry, a.k.a The Bird's Papaya

Now more than ever it's important to be comfortable in your skin, especially if you're stuck at home with yourself. Sarah Nicole is positioned to spread joy and body positivity in this hard time.

Sarah uses her platform inspire people around the world to be comfortable in their own skin. And now, she hopes to help them feel comfortable in their homes during the coronavirus quarantine.

“I think it’s important that we laugh and we have joy, and have gratitude within the realms of everything that’s going on," Sarah told WUSA9. "Just take it day by day. Don’t get so overwhelmed by the big picture."

As a working mom of three, she's also trying to keep her kids occupied at home. 

“It’s not easy. It’s very similar to working in the summertime when they're here." But Sarah tries to keep them occupied. "Creating activities that are accessible but help you in the home as well, whether they’re chore related, or baking or cooking, things that can actually provide something like food to eat."

Sarah’s message to her followers is this: don’t let fear and panic take over.

“Other things that are contagious are joy and positivity and gratitude and hope.”

If Sarah’s message resonates with you, she has a podcast where she shares more here.

Vishen Lakhiani

“Your mind is like a flashlight and you can choose what you want to shine it on." Vishen Lakhiani is all about mindset, and he's telling his followers not to focus on things they can't change. "You can choose to shine it on the looming recession or the health issues or you can choose to shine it on whatever little thing in your life right now can make you feel grateful or appreciative.”

Vishen is the co-founder and CEO of Mindvalley, a company that publishes spiritual and educational products. He uses his platform to explore mindfulness and motivation, especially in times like these. 

Vishen told us about the art of becoming "Un-ef-with-able," a topic that comes up in his book. 

"You are so secure with who you are that the occasional negative compliment or negative statement from someone or the fact that you may not get that word of appreciation you were counting on, it doesn’t jar you. It doesn’t ruin your day because you have firm self belief, you believe in yourself you love yourself, and you are solid in who you are."

You can listen to his podcast here.

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